Yeti Tool | Customer Project : WEISS WOODWORKS


YETI TOOL - Weiss Woodworks

Meet Weiss woodworks

Initially started in 2017 Weiss Woodworks has expanded from making only outdoor furniture to custom cabinetry and fine furniture. After trialling working solo in his shop and coming across limitations Aaron began to search for a helping hand and this is how he found SmartBench.

YETI TOOL - Weiss Woodworks YETI TOOL - Weiss Woodworks

Weiss woodworks and SmartBench

Aaron’s Smartbench is predominantly used for flattening slabs and making prototypes for testing. As well as occasionally cutting furniture parts.

YETI TOOL - Weiss Woodworks YETI TOOL - Weiss Woodworks


“SmartBench has helped my business to become more creative and diverse. I love that it didn’t have a steep learning curve and that I can personally fix things that I’ve wrecked within a matter of minutes. I want to give a big shout out to the Yeti crew for undeniably the best support team I’ve come across. My technical issues, usually a result of user error are always handled swiftly and professionally.”

YETI TOOL - Weiss Woodworks YETI TOOL - Weiss Woodworks


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