Yeti Tool | Customer Project : Tous aux abris


YETI TOOL - Tous aux abris

Meet Tous aux abris – everybody inside !

Established in 2018, Tous aux abris is a community-driven association which designs and builds protective shelters for endangered animals in an inclusive and educational way. In their early growth, they made use of the maker-made Maslow CNC which helped them to secure their first big order of 250 bat boxes! However they found this system fairly slow, with some issues of losing connection mid-job and allowing room for human error.

YETI TOOL - Tous aux abris YETI TOOL - Tous aux abris

Outdoor sign (made using SmartBench’s own packaging box!)

Finding SmartBench

Tous aux abris came across SmartBench in 2019 whilst searching for new CNC solutions to suit their development. In order to run future workshops outside, they were looking for a reliable and portable solution, which above all would be able to work on full sized sheets without distortion. With this they found SmartBench ticked all the right boxes.

“We found that the workflow is smooth, fluent: no stress.”

YETI TOOL - Tous aux abris YETI TOOL - Tous aux abris


Tous aux abris regularly organise participatory workshops for the construction of various shelters from recycled materials, from birdhouses to beehives! They also offer CNC-cut nesting boxes. Last May, Tous aux abris held a workshop for a local nursery school who wanted to install some insect shelters in their schoolyard. Children and their parents came to learn about the types of endangered insets in their area, build habitats, and play some education puzzle games (also manufactured with SmartBench) !

YETI TOOL - Tous aux abris YETI TOOL - Tous aux abris


“In use, there are many well-thought-out details: for safety, of course, and to make work easier. I love the memory of the XY home point, even after turning off the machine, or the possibility of not re-measuring the home Z axis, even if we have to change the home XY position. At the moment, I use planks of wine crates (often broken, never in the same place), to make hedgehog passages. So my X-Y home point needs to be changed often, but the thickness is the same!”


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