Yeti Tool | Customer Project : NixM Handcrafted


Yeti Tool - Nixm Handcrafted

Meet NixM Handcrafted

This County Durham-based business specialises in all things wood. Starting out as a hobby, Nick realised that there was a huge demand for bespoke wooden gifts. He makes things such as keepsake boxes and coin cases – our personal favourite is a hedgehog house which you can see on Instagram.

Yeti Tool - Nixm Handcrafted Yeti Tool - Nixm Handcrafted

NixM and SmartBench

Nick originally heard about SmartBench through woodworking channels and his own research, but quickly realised SmartBench’s “ability to scale up production, and to save time due to autonomy.” Subsequently, he went out and purchased one. He uses his SmartBench for large, volume work.

Yeti Tool - Nixm Handcrafted Yeti Tool - Nixm Handcrafted


Nick’s three words to describe SmartBench would be, “Simple. Robust. Time saver.”

Yeti Tool - Nixm Handcrafted Yeti Tool - Nixm Handcrafted


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