Yeti Tool | Customer Project : Meet tikkit designs


Yeti Tool - Tikkidesigns

Meet Tikkit Designs

Tikkit Designs was born when the Miles family decided to combine their experiences. Kate had an arts and crafts business, Ian and Tom had both been working in bespoke fittings and construction so when they purchased SmartBench Tikkit Designs was born.

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Tikkit Designs and SmartBench

Tikkit Designs always wanted a SmartBench as they had so many ideas of how they could use it. Once they visited SmartBench at an Axminster Tools demonstration, they decided they had to buy one. They use SmartBench to make bespoke fitted kitchens, wardrobes and dining room tables. They have now branched out into personalised keepsakes and have a few secret designs they are trialling and might be releasing soon (to keep an eye out for these, follow their links below). They love SmartBench because it has “lightened the work load, saved turnaround time, made it easier to do intricate detailing, increased turnover and allowed them to trial new projects.”. They have named their SmartBench Younis the Yeti, which was chosen by their 9 year old son.

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Tikkit Designs say “if your thinking of purchasing a SmartBench, don’t hesitate… you will not regret it.”  and when asked to describe SmartBench in three words they said “amazing, creative and fun” and their favourite feature was “flexibility- being able to cut to a large working space”.

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