Yeti Tool | Customer Project : KAY WOODCOCK DESIGN


YETI TOOL - Kay Woodcock design

Meet Kay Woodcock

Based in Galway, West of Ireland, Kay is an experienced designer and maker. After completing her studies in Furniture Design & Manufacturing, she and her partner shared a workshop in which they collaborated with each other on various projects. This experience led her to take the plunge in setting up her own business, which focussed on a wide mixture of  services including creating bespoke and unique products like furniture and signs as well as offering a range of various CAD services.

YETI TOOL - Kay Woodcock design  YETI TOOL - Kay Woodcock design

Kay Woodcock and SmartBench

Kay’s knowledge and experience in woodworking allows her to use SmartBench to it’s fullest potential. Not only is she able to use it to produce custom furniture, nesting components, commercial signage (and much more); as a young designer it also gives her the freedom and ability to explore and develop concepts in an efficient and cost effective way. “It breaks open the world of possibility through its adaptability with various materials, and enables me to take a concept right through to production!”

YETI TOOL - Kay Woodcock design YETI TOOL - Kay Woodcock design


“SmartBench is versatile, efficient and empowering. The fact that it can take a full-sized sheet combined with its minimal footprint and user friendliness making it a super cool addition to the workshop! This is a tool to empower designers and makers and I really do believe this is a game changer for the industry. Great value and a great product.”


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