Yeti Tool | Customer Project : KAPTIVATE AS


Yeti Tool - Kaptivate AS

Meet Kaptivate AS

Based in Oslo, Norway, Kaptivate AS is a team of 6 skilled individuals who use their extensive combined experience to create bespoke decor & profiling for film and stage production. After working as full time riggers for an event company, they decided it was time to start their own journey and created Kaptivate AS. Since then the company has continued to grow at a rapid rate with jobs becoming more and more complex by the day.

Yeti Tool - Kaptivate AS Yeti Tool - Kaptivate AS

Kaptivate AS and SmartBench

Their SmartBench is used for building custom logos and furniture for stage design, event decor and scenography. CEO / project manager Michael Gavshon said that the addition of SmartBench to their business has allowed them to take on projects they would have otherwise have had to say no to, and/or outsource from other suppliers which would increase overall project cost. SmartBench has opened up “a whole new world” of what they’re able to design and offer to their clients. Projects that seemed too complex previously have now become everyday tasks.

Yeti Tool - Kaptivate AS Yeti Tool - Kaptivate AS


“SmartBench is smart, user-friendly and convenient. We find its portability to be a great advantage as sometimes we take it with us to various projects. Along with this, the user friendly interface makes learning CNC all too easy.”

Yeti Tool - Kaptivate AS Yeti Tool - Kaptivate AS


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