Yeti Tool | Customer Project : Geo.Ply


Yeti Tool - Geo.Ply


Meet Geo.Ply

Geo.Ply is an Edinburgh based business currently working out of Edinburgh Open Workshop. Mike (the director) has always enjoyed making things, so after being made redundant from his job last summer he decided it was the perfect opportunity to try something completely different. By chance, a space in Edinburgh Open Workshop became available at exactly the same time, so took he it as a sign and jumped on it.

Yeti Tool - Geo.Ply Yeti Tool - Geo.Ply

Geo.Ply and SmartBench

At the moment Mike is currently using SmartBench to develop plant pots, planters & propagation units out of plywood and recycled plastics.

“The SmartBench allows me to develop shapes that would be really difficult with traditional woodworking tools/techniques. Coming into woodworking with no experience, the SmartBench has allowed me to do complex geometry with a relatively short learning curve, rather than having to invest in years of traditional training. I’ve been able to use the SmartBench to cut out lots of complex profiles while I’m working on other stages of the production process at the same time.”

Mike is also experimenting with plastics, and plans to try a sheet of recycled plastic on the SmartBench in the near future.

Yeti Tool - Geo.Ply Yeti Tool - Geo.Ply


“Easy, efficient & versatile. I think its overall simplicity in operation has been its strongest point for me. For someone who came into the industry with no CNC experience, it has been really easy to pick up. The biggest obstacle for me has been getting the design software (Fusion 360) to do what I want it to do, but once you feed that information into the Smartbench it does exactly what you tell it to do. I’m just getting started in my maker career, and the Smartbench is opening up lots of possibilities for me. I’m focusing in on self watering indoor plant pots using LECA (Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate), which will be made from plywood and recycled plastics. Hopefully there will be a lot more interesting things to come from me in the coming weeks/months”.

Yeti Tool - Geo.Ply Yeti Tool - Geo.Ply


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