Yeti Tool | Customer Project : F.A GUITAR CABS


YETI TOOL - F A Guitar Cabs

Meet F.A Guitar Cabs

Meet Andy, the leading man behind F.A Guitar Cabs. Based in Lincoln, Andy used to do amp electronic repairs but has always had a passion for wood work. Eventually his business naturally digressed from concentrating on amps to focusing on cabs.

YETI TOOL - F A Guitar Cabs YETI TOOL - F A Guitar Cabs

FA Guitar Cabs and SmartBench

Andy decided to invest in SmartBench after becoming overwhelmed by the influx of orders, booking jobs 10 months in advance! Eventually, he closed his books to allow him to look into an investment that would be able to give him a helping hand. With this came the purchase of SmartBench.

YETI TOOL - F A Guitar Cabs YETI TOOL - F A Guitar Cabs

Now, Andy uses his SmartBench for “as much as he possibly can,” cutting all of the parts needed for the cabs on his SmartBench with the exception of hardwood cabs. He’s already managed to get his job list down to September instead of November. His favourite feature of SmartBench is “its ease of use,” especially after “expecting a huge learning curve” – he was pleasantly “surprised at how quickly he got to grips with it.” He’s also finding that using SmartBench has “saved a lot of waste” because he can reuse partially cut sheets.

YETI TOOL - F A Guitar Cabs YETI TOOL - F A Guitar Cabs


“SmartBench is easy, accurate and versatile. It has been an absolute saviour! Most of my time before was taken up cutting wood to size on the table saw and then hand routing cutouts and round overs. I had a whole pile of routing templates I had made for various cabinets and they took up a load of room.”


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