[XERION] Press Release


Multistation becomes a distributor of Xerion

MULTSTATION has signed an exclusive distribution agreement for XERION’s high-tech Fusion Factory furnaces in France and North Africa

As of March 18, 2021. MULTISTATION will be the official distributor for XERION’s sintering and debinding solutions dedicated to 3D printing in France and North Africa.

Among the many existing metal and ceramic additive manufacturing processes, a 3-step process implying  printing,  debinding  and sintering can be necessary.

Once the printing step is completed, the part must be debinded and sintered in order to increase its mechanical properties. These post-treatment steps are critical and determine the final density of the part. XERION’s debinding and sintering furnaces not only delivers this quality, but also ensure safety and efficiency that are unmatched on the market. With a heating temperature of 1550°C and monitoring capabilities, XERION’s Fusion Factory range is suitable for a wide range of applications, particularly for BASF’s Ultrafuse and Catamold materials.


MULTISTATION has been a key player in the digital and additive manufacturing since 1987. It provides a wide range of machines and 3D printers for the industry and the research & education sectors.


Founded in 1997, XERION is a German company specialised in manufacturing industrial furnaces. Thanks to different ranges of furnaces, the company covers a wide range of applications.

In 2018, XERION made its know-how available to 3D printing, by introducing its Fusion Factory range to the additive manufacturing market.

You can also read those articles

  • click HERE to read the METAL AM MAGAZINE
  • click HERE to read the PIM INTERNATIONAL


For further information

Marcus ORTLOFF (B.Eng) – Additive Manufacturing Manager

XERION BERLIN LABORATORIES GmbH- Gross-Berliner Damm 84 -12487 Berlin | Germany

+49 (0) 30 200 970 20

Emeline SICARD – Marketing Manager

MULTISTATION SAS – 66 boulevard Pasteur – 75015 Paris | France

+33 (0) 2 99 16 35 43

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