[Solidscape] Lhegacy: Delhnico’s Jewelry Adventure


Lhegacy: Delhnico’s Jewelry Adventure

Delhnico from Lhegacy is a digital jewelry designer from France specializing in sculptures designed in ZBrush. Check out his Instagram account for his amazing designs inspired by animals, nature, legends, superheroes, pirates, and more! His designs have been featured as a Platinum Winner of Solidscape’s Best Jewelry Design Competition at JUNWEX Moscow and finalists in Solidscape’s Design Competition at Baselworld.

Solidscape Lhegacy Delhnicos

Guest Blog – Lhegacy: Delhnico’s Jewelry Adventure by Delhnico

I started my jewelry adventure five years ago. Coming from the communication world of web and print, my job was naturally oriented around digital tools. A bet to create digital jewelry launched the adventure, with a first piece printed by a well-known online printing service.

The first result surprised me very much. It was a first attempt at creating an object from a virtual 3D sculpture. Quickly I started searching how to increase the quality of my future designs. I wanted to see who were the main players of the 3D printing domain in jewelry. I was amazed by the detail of a 3D printed model entered in Solidscape’s annual Design Competition at Baselworld.

I decided to learn more about classical jewelry making through an educational program in Saint Etienne, atelier conservatoire des mofs. The classes have given me a better understanding of the limits, specificities, and strengths of digital tools and how to optimize the 3D printing process.

Experience with Solidscape

I created a lot of pieces to improve my sculpting skills. After posting many of them on social media, I was contacted by Solidscape’s reseller in France, Multistation, who offered to print some of my digital models. This was just before entering the Solidscape Design Competition at Baselworld. I remember that a silver cast created from a piece printed on a Solidscape 3D Printer was the easiest process I’ve ever done. No supports to clip away, and no special formulas for casting and the resulting silver casted part was very sharp. The precision was a very important point for me because the mechanical socket needed to be cleaned easily after the casting process.

Multistation helped me in the 3D printing and casting steps as well. I learned a lot in their showroom where technicians gave me tricks and feedback to enhance the 3D printing experience.

Solidscape Design Competition

By far it’s an intense experience. I really enjoy the challenge this kind of event offers. Baselworld 2017 was huge because of the master designers who take part in the competition. It was interesting to see how the design entries reflected the many different jewelry cultures from around the world. It’s an opportunity for designers to push 3D printers to the limit and is a win/win deal for the technicians and artists alike.

Making it to finalist and having my design featured at Baselworld was in itself a true victory. It gave me the opportunity to meet lots of interesting people and artists. Winning one of these competitions would also be a cool reference on a designer’s resume.

The Future

3D printing is evolving quickly. It’s a modern tool that helps the overall jewelry-making process and optimizes the workflow. Jeweler 2.0 will probably combine traditional elements and 3D milling or printing skills. And on this point, I will never be disappointed with a Solidscape print!

Solidscape Lhegacy Delhnicos Solidscape Lhegacy DelhnicosSolidscape Lhegacy Delhnicos

By  Jewelry Design

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