Additive Explorative Partnership

Additive Explorative Partnership

Explore, engage, evolve and succeed

with our


Flexible pre-buy experience
Initial modular full-service rental

Additive explorative partnership

Customised support for a successful implementation

  • Short term machine leasing, delivery and installation
  • Users training, custom support
  • Functional guarantee
  • Machine de-installation and transport after leasing
  • Machine delivered with or without operator
  • Machine can be installed in your factory or in another place

A flexible offer without commitment

  • Decreasing monthly rate
  • No commitment, no investment, no risk
  • Possibility of buying equipment on preferential terms
  • Wide choice of services and support with our certified experts

Support offer: consulting & services included

  • Services can be included in the monthly rental
  • Or by separate tickets

Contact us

  • Drop files here or

Our commitment

Secure Payment