[Range Vision Case Study] 3D scanning of ornaments in Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Nizhny Novgorod


RANGE VISION Alexander_Nevsky_Cathedral_Nizhny_Novgorod

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral with the Range Vision 3D scanner

Dmitry Zhamkov’s Art Studio contacted the RangeVision’s office in Nizhny Novgorod once again with a very interesting task. This time we have to digitize three wall-mounted ornaments in Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Ornamental patterns were not finished by the previous artist, that is why the further work was entrusted to Dmitry Zhamkov. It is difficult and time-consuming to do this kind of work manually. After all, the main aim of the customer was not only the production of ornamental patterns but the most accurate copy of style of the previous artist.

Range Vision ornaments_in_Alexander_Nevsky_Cathedral

Similar tasks have been resolved by RangeVision 3D scanners earlier: on order of the artist Dmitry Zhamkov we digitized carved pattern for the production on CNC machine. Machining on CNC is used in many industries. Woodworking of decorative products is not the exception. It saves the time, spent for the production process, and reduces the cost of the final product. 3D scanning allows getting the most accurate final 3D models with high detail so the customer can quickly write a program for a CNC machine to automate the production of missing carved ornamental patterns.

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For project realization, we used the new RangeVision Spectrum 3D scanner. The total weight of the equipment and accessories is 10 kg, which allows bringing Spectrum to the sites and offices of the customers in a secure case.

We covered ornaments with markers to make 3D scanning more accurate and stable. It was enough to apply markers only to the one side of each of the ornaments since the objects were symmetrical.

Range Vision placing_markers_for_3D_scanning_of_ornaments_on_wall

The carved pattern on the photo above stayed put due to its size. In addition, its position was low enough that complicated setup of cameras and height of the tripod. Scanning of this object was performed in a vertical position. RangeVision Spectrum 3D scanner coped with the task due to adjustable tripod and a wide variability of scanning zones.

The two other ornaments have smaller sizes, so we took them off the walls and scanned in a horizontal position.

Post-processing of the scan data in RangeVision ScanCenter program allowed to obtain a high-precision final 3D model.

The final 3D model

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Post-processing in RangeVision ScanCenter software

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The final 3D model

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Scans alignment in RangeVison ScanCenter software

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The final 3D model

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On our experience, RangeVision Spectrum 3D scanner perfectly copes with digitization of objects, which are in the positions that impede scanning.

The process of 3D digitization took 5 hours, post-processing and alignment of scans took 2 working days.

Dmitry Zhamkov was pleased with the result. The quality of final 3D models allows producing of missing carvings on a CNC machine, hence, finishing the work that was started.

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