

Manufacturer : Inkbit
Sectors : Industry

The Inkbit Vista is a multi-material industrial 3D printer.

It uses Inkbit’s patented solution, Vision-Controlled Jetting (VCJ), and multi-material design software. It offers a print volume of 500 x 250 x 200 mm.

Reference : InkbitVista
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Inkbit Vista

The Inkbit Vista is a printer using the Vision-Controlled Jetting (VCJ) process, allowing to print parts in epoxy resins. It is even possible to print multi-material parts, with flexible or rigid resins.

Droplets of epoxy resin are projected through nozzles and then exposed to a UV lamp, the deposited resin is thus hardened.

Finally, topographic scanner systems are set up to monitor the quality of the part in real time and make changes during printing if necessary.

  • Process : Vision-Controlled Jetting (VCJ)
  • Build volume : 500 x 250 x 200mm
  • Printer resolution : 32 x 63.5 x 18 µm
  • Maximum vertical (Z) build rate : 15 mm/hour
  • Vision system resolution : 32 x 32 x 20 µm
  • Dimensions : 2.8 x 1.5 x 2.4 m
  • Weight : approx. 1500 kg
  • Temperature environment : between 18 and 25 °C
  • Humidity environment : between 20 and 70 %


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Inkbit is a startup created in 2017 within MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab. This 3D printer manufacturer has developed a new additive manufacturing system driven by vision and artificial intelligence. Their new Vista printer uses a perfect mix between inkjet process and vision quality control.

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