
The Multistation team supports its customers in the implementation of complete projects for the integration of high-precision machine tools, lathes, milling machines, riveting machines, machines for the industrialization of composites from the best manufacturers in the world. entire since 1987.

Showing 1–12 of 82 results

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Tours essieuxCapture d’écran 2024-12-11 à 11.58.13Capture d’écran 2024-12-11 à 11.58.21Capture d’écran 2024-12-11 à 11.58.28


SAFOP axle machining lathes are designed for the precise and efficient maintenance of railway axles. With their advanced technology, they...
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SAFOP – HT Horizontal Lathes

The SAFOP HT horizontal lathe is a high-performance and versatile solution for mechanical workshops and industries seeking a robust, precise,...
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PITCapture d’écran 2024-12-11 à 10.11.55Capture d’écran 2024-12-11 à 10.11.36Capture d’écran 2024-12-11 à 10.10.20


SAFOP offers pit lathes specifically designed for the maintenance and repair of railway axles. These machines allow for the precise...
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Ball Matic, a high-precision machine dedicated to the machining of wheels and balls. Designed to ensure a perfect finish and...
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The SAFOP lathes for axles are machine tools specifically designed for machining railway axles. They allow for precise turning of...
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SmartBench X bare LeftSmartBench X bare FrontSmartBench X bare RightSmartBench X ZHead LeftX HaloX User ConsoleBigFoot LeftX User Console HandsConsole XL right

YETI TOOL – SmartBench PrecisionPro X

The PrecisionPro X is the Ultimate version of the Smartbench CNC, with still a large machining surface! It has the...
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Silvestrini - Positionneurs de soudageSilvestrini - Positionneurs de soudage AV SASilvestrini - Positionneurs de soudage ORBITonneurs de soudage SA 2 TC ELF

SILVESTRINI – Welding positioners

Heavy duty hydraulic welding positioners with rotating table.
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Silvestrini - Positionneurs de rotateursSilvestrini - Positionneurs de rotateursSilvestrini - Positionneurs de rotateurs

SILVESTRINI – Rotator positioners

Electromechanical rotators positioner model sare.
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Lazzati LineaT-Type Ram-MillingLazzati LineaT-Type Ram-MillingLazzati LineaT-Type Ram-MillingLazzati LineaT-Type BoringLazzati LineaT-Type Boring

Lazzati – Linea T-Type

High-Performance Boring-Mills
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Lazzati - floortype ram boringLazzati - floortype ram boringLazzati - floortype ram boringLazzati - floortype ram boringLazzati - floortype ram boringLazzati - floortype ram millingLazzati - floortype ram millingLazzati - floortype ram milling

Lazzati – Linea Floor

Boring – Milling Hydrostatic Moving Column Machines
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Silvestrini - Systèmes robotiquesSilvestrini - Systèmes robotiquesSilvestrini - Systèmes robotiquesSilvestrini - Systèmes robotiques

SILVESTRINI – Robotic systems

Robotic systems for welding and assembling Wheel loader assembly line Agricolture tractor cabin assembly line Special Vehicles: Defense Special Railroad...
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Caracol - HERONCaracol - HERONCaracol - HERONCaracol - HERONCaracol - HERONCaracol - HERON

Caracol – HERON 200

The Heron AM system is a turnkey solution for high-performing industrial sectors. The platform includes a robotized extrusion head, with...
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