MELTIO | New equipment for Addimadour


Addimadour Meltio

Press release

New equipment for Addimadour !

Addimadour MeltioBacked by the Compositadour platform, Addimadour was launched in 2017 by and for companies in order to to support them in the development of their metal additive metal manufacturing projects.

Since its construction, the platform has had a single preoccupation, to remain at the forefront of  innovation in order to be able to respond to a maximum number of requests.

Already equipped with a large number of machines, Addimadour is now equipped with a new DED-Wire Laser head (Direct Energy Deposition). Indeed, in order to widen the range of proposals for customers, the MELTIO® head will be added to the platform’s list of equipment. This will enable the additive manufacturing centre to produce small and large parts with greater and large parts with greater working precision.

Moreover, the acquisition of this equipment allows Addimadour to be avant-garde in its field in the territory by being the first French structure to install it on a 6-axis robot arm.

In the future, the partnership between Addimadour, Multistation and Meltio will allow the development of training on the use of this equipment and the platform will be a place of choice for training on several processes.

Contact Addimadour : Manager – Pierre Michaud – +33 (0)5 64 11 11 41 –

Addimadour Meltio


Meltio takes metal additive manufacturing to the next level by developing affordable, easy-to-use, high-performance 3D printing solutions. The company’s mission is to satisfy its customers and partners, using its staff to pioneer the development of affordable, reliable and disruptive printing systems.



Multistation, created in 1987, is a provider of services and disruptive technologies for digital and additive manufacturing. Its expertise in additive manufacturing covers numerous metal, polymer and composite processes and various academic and industrial sectors in France, North Africa and many other countries around the world. Multistation is the exclusive distributor of Meltio in France and is in charge of the development of an ecosystem composed of research centres, integrators and end users. | Contact : Emeline Sicard

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