GEFERTEC | GEFERTEC at Formnext 2021


Letter from our partner Gefertec

Gefertec 3DMP

GEFERTEC at Formnext

Dear clients, partners and friends,

After almost 2 years of limited opportunities to meet you in person we are more than happy to invite you to Formnext – here are the key facts:

Meet us in Frankfurt, Germany

November 16-19, 2021

Hall 12.1 Booth F41 (Berlin-Brandenburg common booth)

Why attend? Beside catching up with our team in person, you are going to have the chance to learn about our latest developed applications from industries like oil & gas, maritime and general engineering.

In addition to our neighbours of the common booth Berlin-Brandenburg organized by Berlin Partners, you will also have the opportunity to meet some of our partners for wire feedstock and digital production. If you do not have the opportunity to participate in person we would be more than happy to meet you through the digital channel available since Formnext is a hybrid event this year.
Get in touch with us through to arrange a meeting and to get your ticket.

In addition to our announcement above, we would also like to take this opportunity to summarize our activities of the last months for you.


On the 4th of November we had the chance to give a presentation about “AM for Oil & Gas – Integration of qualified WAAM parts in the industrial supply chain” at the ICAM. If you wish to learn more about our activities specifically in oil & gas, please have a look on the website or get in touch with us through

We were happy to exhibit at some live events like the Forum of our customer SLV Halle where visitors had the opportunity to see a life print on our machine. Our French partner Multistation was able to meet our French customers at the 3D Print Congress in Paris. As the US market is an important one for us, we were excited to exhibiting at Rapid+TCT in Chicago and meet a lot of familiar but also new faces.

We were also thankful for the opportunity to speak at two events – live at the Railway Forum and digital at the AM Forum. Hosting Karsten Heuser, VP Additive Manufacturing Siemens Digital Industries, for his talk at the digital AM Forum here at our GEFERTEC Application Center in Berlin, Germany was a pleasure.

Customers & Partnerships

Hightech Technology from Berlin for Berlin – In September, we recorded our shortest ever machine delivery to Siemens Energy in Berlin. We delivered a machine in just 1.5 hours. Siemens Energy is offering WAAM services for internal and external customers. We are looking forward to seeing upcoming activities and developments. At Formnext you will be able to see a gas turbine application printed on the Siemens Energy arc405.

Across the pond, we and our customers were not idle either. Have a look at the great video of our US customer OMIC introducing their Additive Innovation Centre where our technology plays a major role. Furthermore we completed another 100%-remote machine installation and acceptance procedure at our customer and partner Laser Welding Solutions. They are now working on applications for the oil & gas industry on their arc405 and are looking forward to receiving their arc605 soon.

Within the maritime market an exciting announcement was made in September. Wilhelmsen – Marine Products and Thyssenkrupp are offering with their 3D Printing joint venture a customised, on-demand and more efficient supply chain for marine and offshore parts. As a manufacturing partner we are looking forward to transferring the benefits of our well-developed AM technology combined with a full integrated digital process chain to the maritime market.

Speaking about digital process chain – We already announced the development partnership with Siemens NX in July 2021 and therefore want to keep this short. However, for those of you who missed the news during summer break, please check out the video to discover the opportunities this development offers for our customers.

Last but not least we would like to draw the attention of our German readers to the following new contents: Listen to the Episode of the Podcast Druckwelle with our Business Developer Sascha Ungewiss, who is giving you a comprehensive overview of our technology.

We also want to highlight the video of DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung (Heavy maintenance) in which the use case of the roll stop (from minutes 3:30 ) amongst other AM applications is being presented. For AM technology suppliers like us it is always great to see big OEMs pushing the technologies within their markets.

We hope that you enjoyed this outlook and review and would like to highlight again that we are excited to meet you at Formnext, at our Application Center in Berlin or within a now so familiar online meeting.

All the best


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