Design For Additive Manufacturability


What is DFAM, Design For Metal Additive Manufacturability?

This set of rules and methods to design and redesign a part focuses on the
production of this part at lower cost, with flexibility and with the objective to make the most out of the process. DFAM dedicated software
distributes the material according to the efforts required for the part, while taking into consideration the various limits of the additive process.
The achieved results are then treated by a traditional stage of structural calculation, like finite element analysis.

Design rules

Only an effective design will indicate the power and limits of the process. A few examples among others reminding how additive manufacturing is often linked to defective shapes:
• Avoid angles, hard-to-clear volumes (powder difficult to remove) and geometries above empty space to limit supports
• Anticipate the direction of the shape on the platform as early as the design stage and interactions between parts on a same platform
• Promote internal channels with higher bend radius and maximize the line of sight in cavities to facilitate removal of powder.

Topological optimisation:

Through digital calculation, topological optimisation  provides through successive estimates a design respecting a bundle of constraints such as volume, solicitation type, loading case…

Effective DFAM tools for a flexible and individualized production

Multistation’s engineers continually assess various DFAM operation solutions, and after appropriate consideration, will choose to sell the software along with training or a range of services: for instance, INSPIRE by SOLIDTHINKING for topological optimization, 3Matic by MATERIALISE for lattice structure design, Exasim and FlexSim by 3DSIM for simulation.

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