[CUBICON] Filament that does not stick to the bed


It is important to ensure that the first layer of your print is firmly attached to the bed and the remaining layers are built on this foundation.

If the first layer to stick to the bed can cause problems later.

Let’s identify the common causes of these problems, and find out how to fix each of them. 

​Filament that does not stick to the bed

​When the bed is not level

(when the output surface is not uniform )

If the first layer does not adhere well to the bed, you must check the correct leveling of the bed first.

If the bed is not level, you have one side of the nozzle too close to or far away from the bed, you can.

The queue beacon FFF how 3D printer model before the instrument automatically adjusts the horizontal auto leveling Equipped with features to minimize this problem.

​When the nozzle is too far from the bed

When the bed is leveled, you need to make sure that the nozzle starts at the correct height from the bed.

If necessary, the user can adjust the distance between the nozzle and the bed using the machine’s offset function.

​When the print speed of the first layer is too fast

When printing the first layer, the filament must be properly attached to the bed surface before printing the next layer.

If you want to output a first layer too quickly, because the filaments may not have time to be attached to the bed. In general, it is advantageous to print the first layer at a slower speed.

​Temperature or cooling setting

The filament tends to shrink as it cools . Bed and maintains a constant temperature of the filaments inhibit the contraction, but, Depending on the filament, it may separate from the bed. This may vary depending on the material and the characteristics of the bed , the output model, etc., so proper adjustment is required.

Separate heat tape or adding a spray in bed, you can improve the adhesion.

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