Arcam increases its titanium powder production capacity at its subsidiary, AP & C


The new facility will provide manufacturing redundancy, short term capacity increase and long term expansion capability. The new capacity increase follows on significant growth in 2015 and 2016 and a surge in demand for AP&C’s high quality titanium powders for additive manufacturing. AP&C’s Plasma technology converts efficiently raw material to powder with excellent key properties such as flowability, density, chemistry and traceability. With the present capacity and planned build-out AP&C will reach an atomizing capacity of at least 750 tons per year.

“The need for high end titanium powder is driven by the fast growth and adoption of Additive Manufacturing. Arcam is determined to serve the industry through cost efficient solutions thus converting traditional manufacturing into Additive Manufacturing. A requisite is to offer highest quality powder for production at competitive cost”, says Magnus René, CEO of Arcam.

“With this investment we are committing to supply our present and future customers with superior quality materials to meet the high manufacturing standards of the biomedical and aerospace industries. With the powder plant and atomizing technology advancements, AP&C will add significant capacity in 2017 and onwards”, says Alain Dupont, President of AP&C.

For further information:
Magnus René, CEO and President, Arcam
Cell: 46 702 79 89 99 or 1 781 266 6957

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